Dear Pastors and praying friends,
The Lord continues to work in such a great way here in Peru, and we are so thankful for all He is doing. We continually need your prayers and support for the work God has called us to do here.
Peru Bible College: A new semester at the Peru Bible College began in March, and we are so excited that we have in-person classes for the first time in a year. Last year, we had the opportunity to be a blessing to many people through virtual classes all over Latin America. However, we truly believe that the essence of our Bible college is the one-on-one training that people receive when they attend the in-person classes. Please continue to pray for us as we need more financial support for the Bible college. Would you pray about your church partnering with this ministry that is continually training leaders to serve the Lord all over the world?
Omega Baptist Church: God has been very good to us by allowing us meet at the Bible College property while we save for a building of our own. We are continually seeing an attendance of around 100 people, and we have had several visitors attend our services as well, which is surprising as we are currently located on the edge of the city. Nevertheless, the Lord is still working to bring people to hear the Gospel! Also, we are so thankful for Leon Valley Baptist Church in San Antonio, TX for their donation of $5,000 for the church property. God is providing for our new church property, and we are excited to see where He will lead us. Please pray for God to provide the remaining funds, and consider how you can be part of this ministry.
Antioch Baptist Church: This past month we had the opportunity to spend a Sunday morning with Antioch Baptist Church, which was planted by Renzo Zuñiga, who is now a missionary in North Africa. We participated in their organization service, and Antioch Baptist Church is now an independent church under the leadership of Pastor Cesar Machaca.
Thank you so much for your faithful support of this ministry, and for your prayers for what God is doing here in Peru. We are so excited for the future, and what God has for the churches and the ministry here.
David and Katie Gardner
Missionaries in Peru
Vision Baptist Missions