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Lynn May 2021 - Addis Ababa

T. S. Morrell

Has, Is, Will

May was a huge landmark for Bethel. The church celebrated 10 years of God doing amazing things! Finding application from the book of Joshua (Joshua 4:5-7),we combined hundreds of pictures that reflected the 10 years of the church. This was done so future generations will have a visual reminder that God has, is, and will be faithful!

You may also remember two brothers who we mentioned in our last newsletter.

After weeks of teaching the purpose of baptism, they were baptized during this service.

This truly was an incredible moment to remember what God has done, is doing, and will continue to do. Please pray for Bethel as they share the gospel with future generations. Thank you for your faithful support!

Here is the video we played for the Church during the 10th anniversary service.

Prayer Requests:

  1. Permanent Light. Our goal has been met, but that leads us to a new prayer request. Would you pray for wisdom as we search for the right property.

  2. Jakob. Jakob will start his senior year of high school on July 26th. Please pray for our family as we navigate his final year with us here in Ethiopia.

  3. Pre-Marriage Counseling. Abenezar and Hosana are planning to get married at the end of September. Please pray for them as we walk through the process of preparing for marriage.


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