Dear Friends,
The Lord has helped us recently in unique and exciting ways. In early March, I received a call from Pastor John Goué (GOO-aye) of Man in the western region of Ivory Coast. Known as the “capital of the west,” Man is largely unreached. When we brought an ACCESS medical team to Man in 2018, we found the people to be exceptionally open to the gospel. Pastor Goué is a church planter sent out of our main church in Bingerville.
Pastor Goué called to ask if he could come welcome the Machs and I back to the country. This is an extensive trip as Man is located roughly eight hours from Bingerville. However, welcoming friends back is a long-time tradition here. During his stay, Pastor Goué shared a need for a simple church building. Although the church owns property, it has been meeting in an old bar for years. The church simply hasn’t had the funds to build. We will be bringing a second ACCESS team to Man in July. Pastor Goué’s vision is to use this team as a launch for ministry in the community adjacent to the church land. We said that we would pray and see if the Lord provided the funds for a church building.

Early on March 24th, Pastor Goué and his wife boarded a bus to return to Man. That same day, I received an unexpected gift from a church for just over the amount needed for the church building. Construction began last week. The church will now leave an old bar to be on their church land. A contractor named Pacôme is overseeing the project. Pastor Goué shared the gospel with him, and Pacôme began visiting the church. Last Sunday, Pacôme trusted Christ as his Savior. An Ivoirian heard this story and told me, "God's hand is not short." How could a church in the US have known about this need? And how could anyone have known that a contractor named Pacôme would be saved? God’s hand is long. It reaches around the world from where you are today to where we are here in Ivory Coast.
Growth of new believers
Ministry vehicle purchase - we are getting close! Pray that the Lord will guide us to the right vehicle for future ministry.
Souls to continue to be saved
Continued good health and safety

Here in Bingerville, these are great days in the village ministry. Upon my arrival on the field, the Lord blessed us with a friendship with a key family in the Anan nobility. They visit our church occasionally. A young lady in the family, Erica, visits our church most frequently. During village visitation in April, Erica trusted the Lord as her Savior. Three villagers have recently made salvation decisions. I’m so grateful for our village team.
Our hearts are full. Praise the Lord for the work that He is doing. Thank you for serving with me here. You are continually in my prayers, and I am comforted knowing that I am in yours as well.
For the joy of serving Him,