Ministry Update
I’m amazed that every time I turn around – whether it’s through reading the Bible or something that happens in our daily lives – I’m reminded of the Lord’s faithfulness. In fact, as I reflect on the Christmas season, it’s very obvious that we serve a trustworthy God who never fails to keep His promises. We can rejoice because the God who fulfilled hundreds of prophecies regarding Christ’s first coming will be faithful to keep all of the promises related to His second coming. In addition, we can respond to current world conditions with joyful confidence because we know that God is in control and He’s working out His purposes and plans!
Although this year has been rocked with uncertainty, I’m thankful for the Lord’s continued hand of blessing and protection on the ministry in the Republic of Ireland. We’ve experienced two separate lockdowns due to COVID-19, which has prevented us from having in-person church services for much of the year. This has been very difficult for the church and the ministry, but we continue to press on through the challenges, holding services during lockdown with technology such as Zoom and Facebook. Thankfully, we have had a solid core of people watching and listening to the services. We also were encouraged to have 10 visitors to our services in September before the second lockdown went into effect.
Restrictions were eased a couple of weeks ago and it’s wonderful to be having in-person church services again. We’re looking forward to a special service on Christmas Eve next week and praying for more of God’s people to return to church in the coming weeks. Also, please pray that another potential lockdown can be avoided in January so we can continue worshipping in-person.
Recently, the Irish government granted an extension to our Stamp 3 visa, which allows us to remain in Ireland for another year. We praise God for answered prayer! Our next step is to apply for Irish citizenship in 2021. Please pray for wisdom as we navigate through this process and that ultimately we would be granted citizenship. Thank you for your continued prayers and faithful giving during this uncertain year.
Serving Him,
Doug & Amber Staley Hannah, Evan, David & Nathan