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T. S. Morrell

Staley Jan/Feb 2021 - Ireland

Despite the challenges and uncertainty we’ve faced over the past year, the Lord has been incredibly faithful to our family and the ministry in Ireland. We rejoice over all that the Lord is doing in the hearts of the people that we’re privileged to minister to on a weekly basis. There is a solid, growing core of people who have been attending our Zoom/Facebook services and weekly Bible studies in recent months. We’ve also been encouraged by the number of people participating in a 90-day challenge to read through the New Testament. One-on-one discipleship also is continuing to take place on a weekly basis despite the very restrictive COVID-19 lockdown that has been in place since Christmas. Schools and churches and most businesses are closed and we’re not permitted to travel more than 5 km (or 3 miles) from our home. It’s unlikely the lockdown will be lifted before Easter. Our family is doing well and our kids haven’t driven us crazy – at least not yet! Please pray for the Lord to give us wisdom as we seek to minister to our church and reach out to the community in the coming weeks.


Sadly, one of our dear church members went home to be with the Lord just before Christmas. She was loved by everyone who met her! We will miss her; she had a smile that lit up a room and her kind, compassionate heart was an inspiration. Just a few months before her death, she finished crocheting several throws for the missionaries supported by our church. We praise God for the opportunity Doug had to preach at her funeral and for the family and friends who heard the Gospel and the testimony of her salvation.


In December, we were excited to honour another church member who completed one-on-one discipleship. Both the disciple and his discipler stayed committed to discipleship despite the rolling lockdowns we've experienced. For many weeks, they met via video chat. Their faithfulness was an encouragement to the entire church! We pray that each of the men will have an opportunity to begin discipling someone else in the near future. Thank you for your faithful prayers and giving during the COVID-19 pandemic. You have been such a blessing and an encouragement to our family during this time! We pray for the Lord to bless your ministry in 2021.

Serving Him,

Doug & Amber Staley Hannah, Evan, David & Nathan

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