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Staley May 2021 - Ireland

T. S. Morrell

We don't often come to you with urgent prayer requests, but this is one of those times when we could really use your prayers! As many of you know, we have been in a severe lockdown since late December. The lockdown restrictions have prevented us from holding in-person church services, which has been challenging on many levels. We miss being able to fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. It has been discouraging because it sometimes feels as if our hands are tied. That said, God has been gracious and He continues to sustain us and build our faith through this trial. Our family is healthy, praise the Lord, and our two oldest, Hannah and Evan, are back in school after doing online classes.

Specifically, please pray for the Lord to change the hearts of those in government so that churches are allowed to regather for services. It has become increasingly clear over the last several months that we are facing a spiritual battle and that churches across the country are being singled out by the authorities. No doubt, Satan is working overtime to prevent churches from reopening. At the same time, we believe prayer is a powerful weapon that can bring about change. We are praying for in-person church services to resume on Sunday, the 9th of May. The government is supposed to meet and review the current COVID restrictions a few days before that date. Would you please join us in praying for God to work in a powerful way?


About four years ago, we launched the ministry of Crossroads Bible Institute for the purpose of training lay leaders and believers who have been called into full-time ministry. God has blessed as dozens in the church have taken at least one of the classes. It's been encouraging to see the spiritual growth that has taken place in the lives of these believers. Even more exciting, one of the students, Vincent Guerin, recently became the first student in the history of Crossroads Bible Institute to finish the entire 10-course curriculum. We appreciate Vincent's faithfulness and his desire to serve the Lord. He believes that God has called him into full-time service and is planning to pursue further education to prepare for ministry. Please pray for the Lord to give Vincent and his family wisdom and direction for the future. We also pray that Vincent will be the first of many graduates from Crossroads Bible Institute who will be used to further God's kingdom! Serving Him,

Doug & Amber Staley Hannah, Evan, David & Nathan


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