Early June saw the advent of 2019's Vacation Bible School. The kickoff took place on June 1st with the church's trademark water slide leaving its usual impression on the hillside. Always a crowd favorite, the water slide attracts riders of all ages and spectators line the slope to watch the fun. Attendees were plucked out of reality and dropped "In the Wild" with extensive decorations throughout the church. From the Arctic to the oceans to the jungles, a walk down the hall took event goers all around creation and back again.

One of the biggest features was, among other live plants, a tall poplar tree standing in the fellowship hall around which dinner was served every night. If you'd like to see more decorations and some of the activities the kids took part in, including some very thrilling rides on the water slide, take a look at our VBS Recap video below and on our Youtube Channel. There you'll find more fun videos from every night of the event.
Along with all the fun and games, visitors were encouraged to bring items for Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes. Soap, wash cloths, small toys, crayons and other items were rounded up throughout the week totaling 2983 items destined for kids around the world. On top of that, $441 in monetary donations were collected securing the shipping of at least 48 shoe boxes. Great job, and thank you to everyone who participated. But let's talk about the real reason we do this, not merely to entertain, but to share the gospel. Director Heather Coonley puts it in perspective for us:
"During VBS, five precious kids gave their hearts to the Lord and seeds were sown in many more."
We encourage everyone to pray for these kids, that they'll grow in the faith and go out into the world to touch the lives of their friends and families. Even if you don't know their names, He does.
With another successful Vacation Bible School come and gone, we want to thank everyone who pitched in and took part with a word from Heather:
"We are so thankful to be a part of such a great church family that rallied together to serve this week. To the Teachers, helpers, rotation leaders, kitchen crew, decorating crew, sound guys and popcorn brigade . . . I am so thankful for you all!"