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Wilder May 2021 - Peru

T. S. Morrell

God has been blessing here in Peru and am learning more and more each day. Not only am I learning Spanish, but I am learning more about ministry and growing in my spiritual life. I am currently learning past tense in language school and am trying to remember all the verb conjugations. My teacher is doing an excellent job of teaching me and am thankful for all the people here that I get to practice with. Continue to pray with me that I will learn the language and be able to speak it fluently.

This past month I had the opportunity to be a part of two anniversary services. The church name is Iglesia Bautista La Victoria and they celebrated 24 years since the church was first started. It is incredible to see that the church has been going that long and is thriving even during this pandemic.

The other church was Iglesia Bautista Omega and they celebrated 11 years. This is the church that I am a part of and attend every week. That day we had over 200 people and 3 professions of faith.

I also had the opportunity to be a part of the children’s ministry that day and had a whole bunch of kids come out. They all had the opportunity to hear the Gospel and had a great time with games, singing and balloons.

My roommate has been inviting the guys from the park behind our house and we all ride together in my car to church. Well, 2 of the guys have made professions of faith one named Enrique and the other named Fernando. Please pray that we could reach more guys and more people would continue to get saved.

Thank you all so much for what you do and until next time…


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